For almost a century, the BBC (the British Broadcasting Company) has met its goal to provide “impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.” But it looks like cuts are threatening the organization
Acorn TV's new COVID drama Helpisn't easy viewing--and its third act admittedly goes a bit off the rails--but the film's unflinching honesty about the nightmare that was the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic makes it must-see TV.
Glenda Jackson isn’t the first or last actor to portray iconic British Queen Elizabeth I, but she brought an unmatched fierce passion to the role. Fifty years on,Elizabeth Rstillrules.
It’s how the Brits let their hair down during the holidays. But what is the appeal of the British pantomime and how did this traditional holiday entertainment evolve? Let's take a look.