In this installment of Undercover Brits, we look at Emmy-nominated Andrew Garfield and the other UK actors who star in the FX limited series, Under the Banner of Heaven, an American true crime story.
In this installment of British Actors You Should Know, we profile Adeel Akhtarwhose credits range from classic dramas such as Les Miserablesto slapstick satire like Four Lions.
In the installment of Irish Actors You Should Know, we feature Andrew Scott. Sure you know him as Moriarty and the Hot Priest but here are a few performances you may have missed!
In this installment of British Actresses You Should Know, we profileJoanne Froggattbeyond her Downton Abbey fame, from her early days in British soaps to the new thriller Sherwood.
In this installment of British Actresses You Should Know: While she may be currently reigning in Starz's The Serpent Queen, actress Samantha Morton has been turning in remarkable performances in all manner of genres for decades now.