If you went near the internet basically at all in the days immediately following the broadcast of the 86th annual Academy Awards, you probably already saw the picture I’m about to talk about.
If there’s one positive thing to be said for the life of an American British TV fan – besides the fact that we all obviously have impeccable taste in what to watch – it’s that we tend to get a lot of good news about our favorite shows at oddly
As I was thinking about what I wanted to write for Saint Patrick’s Day, my internet searches kept bringing me back to the compelling Irish offerings that have been making the film festival circuit in recent months. The signs were there so I had no
Good news for those of you that loved Olympics mockumentary Twenty Twelve – it’s back! Well, sort of. Since the London Games are long past in our collective rearview, we’re getting the next best thing – a sequel series! The new comedy comes complete
It’s become something of a running joke on the internet that the biggest problem mystery series Sherlockhas is the fact that its success has transformed its leads into such stars they barely have time to make the show anymore. (Given the fact that
Former Doctor Whocompanion Karen Gillan has certainly kept herself busy since she exited the TARDIS back. And her goal appears to be trying roles in every kind of project. She’s since starred in an indie romantic comedy called Not Another Happy
The one nice thing about the fact that Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch never seems to stop working ever (or sleep, possibly) is that even when we’re faced with marathon delays between new seasons of the popular mystery drama, we only really ever
Iconic British children’s character Paddington Bear – who is also pretty beloved here in America if my own childhood circle is anything to go by – is about to get introduced to a whole new generation, courtesy of a brand new live action feature film
The wait is almost over – Series 2 of popular, female-driven mystery series The Bletchley Circle premieres on PBS stations nationwide beginning Sunday, April 13. The period drama follows the story of four women, who all possess the extraordinary