Amazing Internet Things: Doctor Who Meets The Hunger Games

This particular Amazing Internet Thing imagines Doctor Who done in the style of popular teen series The Hunger Games, featuring several different Doctors as well as some other familiar faces about to face off in the in the Capitol for a fight to the death.
The clip is wonderfully put together; in fact, it’s so well done you could easily see this as the trailer for an actual episode. And in fact, other than the majority of the characters having to kill each other problem – which surely Steven Moffat could figure out a way to get around – it would probably be the best premise ever for the 50th anniversary.
Check it out for yourselves below – and tell me, if you had to make a decision – who is the Katniss of this story? (Smart money is probably on River, but didn’t Martha already have to basically survive on her own in the wild for a year?)