Sherlock Meets the Doctor in This Amazing Fan-Made Mash-Up Video You’ll Wish Was Real

This phenomenon has spawned a whole fannish subculture, called “Wholock” which imagines what would happen in the worlds of these two shows managed to have some kind of crossover, even if it were only of the wink-wink-nudge-nudge in-joke variety. Which would then undoubtedly cause the entire internet to break down under the weight of so much geek joy. We all know it’s unlikely, but it’s nice to dream, right?
Especially when the “Wholock” phenomenon gives us gems such as this: a fan video that is so perfect, you’re going to be upset when you realize it’s not real. A particularly talented YouTube fan has created what must be considered the ultimate Sherlock/Doctor Who mash-up, a clip that’s amazing enough that you will really believe someone must have filmed stars Benedict Cumerbatch and Matt Smith on the TARDIS together in secret.
This clip isn’t entirely perfect – there are a few shots where falters a bit, or clearly looks like two shows have been spliced together – but on the whole, it’s amazing. The inclusion of Cumberbatch into the Who footage is particularly well done. You’ll basically start believing that this is something that actually happened and that any day now the Radio Times will run a feature about how Cumberbatch and Smith felt about working together.
In short: Stop whatever you are doing and watch this right now. You’re welcome.
Where’s the petition to make this whole “Wholock” thing a reality? I feel like half the internet would sign it.
Thumbs up or down? Would you like to see the Sherlock/Doctor Who worlds mix at some point?