In the debut episode of The Trouble with Maggie Cole, we see what happens when idle gossip escalates out of control and starts affecting people's lives. Dawn French stars as Maggie, self-appointed local historian, and busybody of the close-knit
Though Starz period drama The Spanish Princessstretches the truth a bit about Catherine of Aragon's historical role in the Battle of Flodden, that in no way diminishes the impact - or importance - of the story the show is trying to tell.
Happy first Friday of February everyone! And apologies to any of you who might be reading from areas of the country that are buried under snow right now, but we've had a positively balmy week here in the DC area and I think it may be scrambling my
After repeated delays, reschedulings, and cancellations as studios around the world struggle to figure out how to release movies during the coronavirus pandemic, the critically acclaimed film The Personal History of David Copperfield will finally get
Get your first look at Johnny Flynnas David Bowiein the trailer for the upcoming biopic Stardust, a movie about the iconic musician's life that doesn't actually feature any of his songs.