The newest BBC crime drama, Virdee, is set to make casting history in the U.K., as nearly all the roles in the series are played by South Asian actors.
With Wales being hailed as a model for resurrecting Indigenous languages with its Cymraeg 2050 initiative, Scotland aims to do the same for Gaelic, including high-end TV series like The Island (An t-Eilean).
The latest A Ghost Story for Christmas installment, Woman of Stone, feels like a product of modern horror. Despite noble ambitions and a pleasant slice of Victorian terror, it doesn’t endure in the recesses of our speculative, anxious imagination.
The BBC prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the start of production for the groundbreaking 1979 series Life on Earth in 2026 (the series took three years to film). It works out, since 2026 also marks David Attenborough's centenary.