Last time we visited the Durrell clan, Gerry had befriended a lonely convict, Margo tried out a job in the medical field, a broken heart landed Leslie in jail and Sven and
With just less than a month to go before the debut of the final season of The Durrells in Corfu, we have reached the halfway point of our season one highlight recaps.
When we last visited with the Durrells, various family members were struggling
As you may recall Louisa and her clan had just made the decision to move from England to Corfu in hopes of changing the outlook and prospects for their family
The end of an era is approaching: The Durrells in Corfuwill be the series’ last. But that doesn’t mean that show won’t go out with plenty of heartwarming family moments before then.
The Durrells' final bow begins this weekend on ITV in the U.K