The eighth episode of Doctor WhoSeries 8 aired this weekend, which puts us well past the halfway point of the new season, and of Peter Capaldi’sfirst year as the Doctor.
Originally, I’d been planning to do a recap series on this season, but then
Just as iconic sci-fi series Doctor Whois set to begin a new era with the arrival of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, rumor has it that more change may soon be in store for the megahit show: We might be in for a new companion by the end of the
Rejoice, Whovians! The first full trailer for Doctor Who Series 8 has officially arrived and it’s pretty much everything we could have wanted and more.
Another new teaser trailer for the upcoming eighth season of Doctor Who has arrived and while – yet again – it doesn’t feature anything that looks like actual episode footage, it does raise an intriguing question
The best news possible for all the Whovians out there is finally here: the BBC and BBC America confirmed that the highly anticipated new season of Doctor Who will officially begin on Saturday, August 23 – on both sides of the pond!
According to the series' official Twitter account, our torturous wait for the return of the iconic sci-fi drama Doctor Whohas an official end point. Series 8 – and brand-new Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi – will debut this August.