Happy Birthday, Telly Visions!

Because 730 days and 618 posts later, here we are. And we certainly couldn’t be here without you. Thank you for being part of our blog family!
So sit back, and take a look at a few of our greatest hits, favorite things and big moments worthy of a highlight:
We Did Episode Recaps! If you’ve never taken the time to come discuss every episode of a show in depth in our various recap areas – which cover series both current and classic – well, you’re missing out. We’ve done Doc Martin, Downton Abbey, Upstairs Downstairs and Mr. Selfridge and are currently working our way (slowly) through the massiveness of reboot-era Doctor Who. These are all pretty funny (if we do say so ourselves) – or at the very least try to be – and contain a great deal of fascinating discussion in the comments. Join in (it's never too late)!
We Gushed About Actors We Love! Our British Actors You Should Know series is certainly one of our favorite things to write, and we hope that you all enjoy reading it! Our most popular posts have been the two features on Sherlock stars Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch, which probably shouldn’t surprise most people, but both Olivia Colman and John Simm also had strong showings.
Related Note: We Talked a Lot About Benedict Cumberbatch! Honestly? This is Lacy’s fault.
We Brought on New Voices! Carmen has been a weekly force here at Telly Visions for a few months now, and it seems pretty safe to say that she’s awesome. Luckily, she knows her way around comedies, huh? Look for us to add a couple additional new voices to the writing staff over the next year or so as we can. Our goal is to be as interesting and fun and informational as possible so if you’ve got friends you think should be part of the Telly Visions family, send ‘em our way and we’ll see.
People Really Love The Hollow Crown! Our post announcing the long-awaited US premiere of Shakespeare mini-series The Hollow Crown was our most popular (and most shared) post to date. Behold the power of Tom Hiddleston?
We Also All Really Love Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey is by far the biggest tag cloud here at the blog, followed by Doctor Who and Sherlock – so those are definitely the three things we talked abou the most around here over the past two years. Think there are other shows or actors or topics in general we should cover? Tell us in the comments and we’ll do our best!
Mostly: Thank You. Mostly, this is a warm and fuzzy thank you post. A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have read and commented and shared and liked and been part of our Telly Visions family here for the past two years. It’s been a privilege to discuss British entertainment and culture with all of you, and we’ve got big things planned for the future of this blog. We hope you’ll stick around – we can’t wait to celebrate another anniversary next year, and we couldn’t do this without you!
Do you have suggestions, comments, thoughts to share on the direction of the blog? Things you’d like to see more of? Stuff you’d like to see less of? Tell us in the comments!