E4 has decide to end its groundbreaking teen drama Skins next year. The series, however, will go out with a bang – its seventh season will consist of three two-hour specials that are slated to screen next year and bring back several former cast
In this week's Call the Midwife, Sister Frances asserts herself to help a pregnant woman with a secret. Trixie goes the extra mile for a special patient at the Lady Emily. Cyril helps an evicted family get a fresh start and Sister Julienne's new
Though we don't yet have a premiere date for the long-awaited sixth season of Peaky Blinders, the story of the Shelbys will continue after the final Netflix credits roll.
Crime drama The Long Call- based on the recentAnn Cleeves"Two Rivers" series of novels - will arrive on Britbox this October, just days after its initial U.K. broadcast concludes.