Previously, on Doctor Who: Rose and the Doctor take their first journey to the past together, meet Charles Dickens and investigate some creepy gas aliens who are animating the bodies of dead Cardiff residents in the late 1860s.
Because Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch has seemingly been involved in literally every other kind of production this year (not that we’re complaining, mind), it should come as no surprise that he’s also got a new short film project on the horizon
Highly anticipated series The Hollow Crownis airing on PBS stations nationwide through October 11, so fans everywhere are getting the chance to see this award-winning Shakespeare production screen in the States at last.
Our lucky duck British friends get to start Downton Abbey Series 4 in the UK this weekend, so it’s understandable that we American viewers are both a.) a little jealous and b.) a lot desperate to see anything we can from the new season, to make our
Yes, it’s true. Telly Visions officially turns two years old today! It’s kind of hard to believe that we’re already celebrating this blog’s second anniversary – it certainly doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. But, apparently that saying about
Filming officially kicked off this week on highly anticipated indie drama The Imitation Game, a drama that’s set to tell the story of British mathematician, cryptographer and all-around genius Alan Turing, who is credited with cracking the German
When you spend two years (give or take a month or two) waiting for another season of one of your favorite dramas to come back, you take whatever little tidbits you can get along the way. Such is life for fans of mystery series Sherlock, currently
Highly anticipated Shakespeare mini-series The Hollow Crown premieres September 20 on Great Performances and – to the surprise of no one, mostly likely – we’ve got more than a few fans of this production (and the Bard, generally) around the office