The newest BBC crime drama, Virdee, is set to make casting history in the U.K., as nearly all the roles in the series are played by South Asian actors.
The hilarious comedy Motherland, currently lost on AMC+, has called it quits, but creator Sharon Horgan (Bad Sisters) has a spinoff ready to go. Welcome to the Blondeville of Amandaland.
In an extraordinarily timely move, the rechristened Brian & Maggie (formerly Brian & Margaret) has released a trailer that reminds us all what an actual free press looks like.
While it’s a bummer to have Rogue Heroes, a solid, well-acted, expensive-looking BBC One series, relegated to an obscure platform, Season 2 builds on its raffish, high-octane strengths and successfully adds more emotional heft.
The first images from Sally Wainwright's Riot Women have arrived, and it's great to see five ladies known for period dramas out of their corsets and burning down the house.