The Durrells in Corfuare back for a second season. A year has passed since Season 1, and we find that Gerry has yet to set free his menagerie of animals, Lawrence has writer’s block, Margo is apparently no longer employed as the Countess’ companion
This is a slightly modified version of a post that originally ran here at Telly Visions back in September. It was published at that time because I wanted to make sure I got all my Downton desires and thoughts down on paper, as it were, before I was
Previously, on Downton Abbey: Six months have passed since Matthew’s death. Mary is sad and everyone in the house spends an enormous amount of time arguing about how to make her life better. Isobel is sad, but perks up once given the project of
Despite the beans having been spilled a few weeks back, we're still thrilled to announce that Focus Features and Carnival Films have officially confirmed the third Downton Abbey film.
Netflix's newest British spy series, Black Doves, is tailor-made for intergenerational weekend viewing, so start factoring it into your holiday plans now.
The Rig turns out to be an excellent location for a thriller, but there's not enough drilling down in this offshore platform's supernatural trappings to strike the rich vein of eco-horror it's aiming for.