The prequel to beloved crime drama series Prime Suspectcomes to Masterpiece this summer. Entitled Prime Suspect: Tennison, it takes us back to the beginning of the career of one of British television's most famous detectives. It's 1973, and a young
BBC America's The Watch is fighting the good fight to adapt Terry Pratchett'sDiscworld, but some stories are unadaptable for reasons beyond budget constraints.
Last Friday the world said farewell to the accomplished Sir Ian Holm. A classically trained actor, his career spanned almost six decades. Mr. Holm’s talents were generously displayed through the mediums of stage, television and film. He received his
The narrative of the Dunkirk evacuation has graced the big screen since the 1940s. Telly Visions takes a look at the cinematic history of this military rescue from Mrs. Miniver to Christopher Nolan's epic take on this historical event.
The 1981 film The French Lieutenant's Woman, starring Jeremy Irons and Meryl Streep in breakout roles, is an intriguing attempt to bring John Fowles’ book to the screen. Is it still worth watching?
As Season 2 rolls into its penultimate episode, things are heating up even more on D.I. Ray as Rachita finally closes in on putting all the puzzle pieces of Frank Chapman's murder together.
Alicia Vikander has taken over the role of Henry VIII's final wife Katherine Parr in the upcoming historical fim Firebrand, alongside a positively luminous all-star cast.