Happy (Black) Friday! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday, whether you were feasting on turkey or not. Welcome to this week’s edition of the Friday News Roundup, as we try to cover all things interesting in British entertainment news. Click
Happy Thanksgiving, Telly Visions readers! Thanksgiving is a quintessential American holiday, I know, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take the opportunity to just say thank you.
Thank you for reading, and commenting, and tweeting, and
On November 23, 1963 at 5:16pm, Doctor Who premiered on the BBC, starring William Hartnell as the very first Doctor in “The Unearthly Child.” With nary a Dalek in sight, mind, as those weren’t introduced to the series until a little bit later on. (I
What says Happy Thanksgiving more than British mysteries? Nothing, that’s what! So, have some quality sleuthing along with your turkey and stuffing over the next two days!
We’ll be airing full-day marathons of Inspector Morse episodes both tomorrow
We’re wrapping up our rebroadcast of Sherlocktonight at 8pm with “The Great Game,” which is the best and most exciting installment of the three episode lot, and other than the shock of its very last minutes is basically perfect television. Watch it
Happy Thanksgiving week, everyone! Hope you are all gearing up for a festival of delicious food and family time, with a splash of excellent British TV thrown in. We’ve got a lot of goodies coming up on-air for you this week!
As part of the BBC’s Children in Need annual charity telethon in the UK tonight, Doctor Who offered a special mini-sketch, as well as the first trailer for the series’ upcoming Christmas special, titled “The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe.”