‘An Adventure in Space and Time’: Watch the Trailer for Mark Gatiss’ Gorgeous ‘Doctor Who’ Drama

An Adventure in Space and Time tells the story behind Doctor Who, focusing on the people responsible for creating the series in the first place, as well as the actor who first brought the Doctor to life. Written by Sherlock co-creator and frequent Who writer Mark Gatiss, the drama stars David Bradley as First Doctor William Hartnell, alongside Jessica Raines as original Who producer Verity Lambert, Sacha Dhawan as director Warris Hussein and Brian Cox as BBC Head of Drama Sydney Newman.
It also looks fantastic. Watch the first trailer below.
Bradley has Hartnell to the life, doesn’t’ t he? The resemblance – even the mannerisms – it’s all just uncanny.
Are you looking forward to An Adventure in Space and Time? What do you think of the trailer?