Doctor Whosends off Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker, celebrates the BBC's 100th anniversary and looks toward the show's future in a chaotic centenary special that works better as emotional fan service than it does as a coherent story.
The Fifth Doctor is heading to Poplar for the holiday season - former Doctor WhostarPeter Davisonwill be appearing in this year's Call the MidwifeChristmas special.
The series earned the unflattering nickname, "All Creatures Grunt and Smell"; the Radio Times called it “a cup-of-cocoa” drama; and The Guardian sniffily commented that “… [it] will always be remembered as the show in which lead characters spent at
In the wake of all the hype, excitement and general flailing surrounding the Doctor Who50th anniversary, there’s something extremely awesome you might have missed seeing.
We can probably all agree that, although The Day of the Doctor was pretty