Welcome to the final installment of "Bustling With Bridgerton," a series in which we’ll celebrate and delve into the costumes designed for the series' most interesting characters.
It wasn't long ago that period dramas were so white that they could have gone missing in a snowstorm. But the one-two punch of Sanditon and Bridgerton has changed the landscape. This Juneteenth, celebrate these new, diverse series.
Welcome to the next installment of "Bustling With Bridgerton," a series in which we’ll celebrate and delve into the costumes designed for the series' most interesting characters.
Ani sits down with contributors Megan Vick and Sophie Brookover to discuss Bridgerton Season 3, from the cleaving of it in two, to the Polin-ation of the main story, to the major twists in the second half. Where does the show go from here?
Does Bridgerton’s ton celebrate Pride Month? It would seem so as Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2 finally (finally!) brought confirmation of not one, but two queer storylines for the siblings.