Starting this week on BBC America, you can catch BBC Two drama White Heat. This six-part series chronicles the lives of seven friends over the course of five decades, following the lives, loves and destinies shaped by the political and social events
Good news for mystery fans – it’s official: three new feature-length episodes of Foyle’s War will air on Masterpiece in 2013! Michael Kitchen and Honeysuckle Weeks are both set to return for Series 7 as Christopher Foyle (now a Senior Intelligence
Previously on Poldark: Ned Despard is executed on trumped up treason charges after a high drama trial that saw Ross passionately defend his friend and Dwight imply he was brain damaged. Back in Cornwall, Terrible Tess Trigedden is busy throwing
Previously onPoldark: Ross manages to get himself elected to Parliament, despite the fact that he doesn’t actually think he’s going to win, and is only standing for election because young Hugh Armitage is literally on his deathbed and can’t run
One of the English-language remakes of a Walter Present series, the Garvey family will officially return for Season 2 of Bad Sisters this November on Apple TV+.
The Sherlock-without-Sherlock experiment to take the Sir Arthur ConanDoyle franchise and make it into a medical drama, Watson, is afoot at CBS with a streaming release date on Paramount+