'Watson' Brings Back Moriarty for Game-Changing Episode "Teeth Marks"

Morris Chestnut as John Watson in 'Watson' Season 1
Sergei Bachlakov/CBS ©2024
Watson delivered a big episode for the Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts in Episode 7*, "Teeth Marks." John was back to hallucinating after Shinwell switched his drugs again. Instead of dizzy spells and visions, John was hearing things, including the counsel of his old friend Sherlock Holmes. Watson recruited the talents of Matt Berry to voice the iconic detective, and it couldn't have been more fitting.
(Ed Note: *Watson Season 1 runs 13 episodes, so this episode officially marks the halfway point.)
We have a voice for Sherlock Holmes but not a face yet. However, he was not the only surprise of the episode. Moriarty (Randall Park) also returned to the show for the first time since the pilot. He had his eye on another member of John's team besides Shinwell. He's collecting the members of John's inner circle like Pokémon at this point.
For most of the episode, John was preoccupied with a very troubling case of the week. Still, his newest patient also inspired him to be more introspective about the new hallucinations. That led him to investigate his current medical regimen and to the conclusion that Moriarty didn't die when he and Holmes went over the waterfall. But where does he go from here, and who can he trust along the way?
50 First Doctor Appointments
This week was the case of a woman with short-term memory loss and a mysterious stab wound to the abdomen. Ginny's (Neighbors alum Caitlin Stasey) memory reset every three minutes, making it extremely difficult for her to explain her case to ER doctors, or John and his team when she managed to sneak her way upstairs while trying to escape the hospital. Between the memory resets, Ginny could show the team how she was testing her cognitive function, proving she could tell something was wrong, which meant she wasn't delusional. It was enough grounds for John to assign the team to find the organic cause of Ginny's memory issues.
The team deduced that she had recently gone to Nicaragua on an Ayahuasca retreat by digging into Ginny's day planner and social media. Between resets, Ginny revealed that she recently had a miscarriage and had taken the trip to help her deal with the loss of the baby and her relationship with her girlfriend. Adams (Peter Mark Kendall) called in Ginny's father and sent a message to the ex, hoping those closest to Ginny could help fill in the gaps in her medical history.
Ginny freaked out when Dana (Camila Canó-Flaviá), showed up, screaming that she was deserted her and now "it" was stuck inside of her. So that lost baby had something to do with all of this. Dana revealed to John that they tried for a baby at home with a donor instead of using IVF because they didn't have the money. Seeing Ginny flip out was too much for her, so she bailed immediately after telling him that. Luckily, John had Sherlock constantly rambling about teeth marks and lasting impressions. That helped John remember Ginny talking about something with teeth eating her from the inside. He convinced her to get an X-ray, which revealed she had a tumor with teeth. Ginny's normal memory function returned once the tumor was removed.
John Watson Finds the Leak
The squeeze came down from Moriarty's team, and Shinwell fell back in line. He was switching John's meds when the patient of the week interrupted him. This new set of drugs caused John to have audio hallucinations of a piano playing in the distance, which kept distracting him while the team worked on Ginny's case.
The audio hallucinations soon escalated into him hearing the counsel of Sherlock Holmes. The advice of his best friend and mentor led John to question the medication he had been prescribing himself under Shinwell's name. He had Stephens test his meds for their chemical composition, but Shinwell already realized that John was on to him. When Shinwell alerted Team Moriarty that John was getting close to the truth, they told him to sit tight and "trust his partners." Sure, that's no problem. Why wouldn't he feel warm and safe with the people who threatened his family at the top of the episode?
He didn't, needless to say. He was about to confess everything to John when Lloyd, a pharmacist with a mountain of gambling debt, arrived at the clinic and declared that he switched John's drugs. He also took an alarming amount of pills that caused an overdose right there on the clinic office floor. The incident was enough to convince John that Moriarty was still alive.
The Return of Professor Moriarty
If the reveal of Sherlock's voice wasn't enough, Moriarty made his grand return at the end of the episode. Ingrid (Eve Harlow) was his next target in the chess game he was playing against Sherlock and John. He discovered that Eve visited the creepy pond where she ate cake for her birthday because there was a body at the bottom of it. Moriarty exhumed whoever "he" was and gave Ingrid a plastic bag with the deceased's eroded index finger.
Moriarty has singled Ingrid out as the most useful on John's team, outside of Shinwell anyway. He said he'd contact her again in the future, and she'd have to decide what team she was on. Contrary to Shinwell, it was clear that Ingrid had no idea who Moriarty was or why he was interested in her. She'll have to decide if she will go for self-preservation or to bat for John. So far, Ingrid has been out for herself, so Moriarty may have made a very astute recruitment here.
Watson continues Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS. Episodes are available to stream the next day on Paramount+.