on December 21st, 2011
Watch Four New Trailers for Sherlock Series 2!
Although we viewers here in the US will have to wait for May for new episodes of Sherlock to air on Masterpiece

UK fans get their first look at the new series January 1st on BBC One, and Sherlock will return to the States on May 6, with three feature length episodes titled A Scandal in Belgravia, The Hounds of Baskerville and The Reichenbach Fall.
Click through to watch all four new spots. Though they’re brief, they contain snippets from all three new installments. Rush Relents Rock, indeed. Or Secret Horns Lurk. Or Reckless Nor Hurt. Whichever anagram you prefer (and that will make sense in a second, promise), these are amazingly good!
Source: The Guardian, Sherlockology and the BBC Press Office
on December 21st, 2011