Take the Doc Martin Ultimate Fan Quiz and Get Excited for Series 5 Tonight!
The long awaited Doc Martin Series 5 premieres tonight on WETA! Though, take note of the fact that new episodes will air at 9:30pm, a special time, after two repeats from Series 4. (If you’re so inclined you can actually watch four episodes of Doc Martin back to back tonight, which I imagine many of you will be excited about.)
Anyway, to celebrate the arrival of the new season, we’ve created our very own brand new Doc Martin Ultimate Fan Quiz. And honestly, some of these questions are pretty challenging, so you should feel very proud of yourselves if you do well!

Take the Doc Martin Ultimate Fan Quiz Now!
Go ahead and put your Doc Martin knowledge to the test. Will you rank as a high-flying Surgeon or a lowly Med Student? Do you really remember the name of Elaine’s boyfriend in Series 1? Let us know how you score!