Sherlock Series 2 is Almost Here – So Watch Another New Masterpiece Promo!

We’re just 16 days away from the Series 2 premiere of Sherlock on Masterpiece Mystery! That's like two weeks! Practically nothing! (You can all expect the use of exclamation points and all caps around here to increase in direct proportion to how close we are to these epiosodes airing. You have been warned.)
Anyone want to see another new promo for the upcoming (amazing) episodes? Obviously. So, click through and have a look at the second official Masterpiece trailer, just released last week.
This spot contains snippets from all three episodes – A Scandal in Belgravia, The Hounds of Baskerville and The Reichenbach Fall – though I probably ought to warn you that there’s so, so much more going on in these episodes besides the witty banter that is displayed to great effect here. The witty banter’s pretty awesome in and of itself because Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are great at it, but I think it is my duty to say that everyone should just be prepared to have pretty much every single emotion possible over the course of this series. Just so you know. Enjoy!