New ‘Sherlock’ Season 4 Photos Released

Even though Thanksgiving is technically over for us Americans, there’s still plenty to be thankful for this week. One of the biggest is that we’re just over a month away from new Sherlock episodes (finally!!). And since that’s the case, that means new promotional material is ever so slowly starting to head our way.
There’s already been a rather dramatic trailer for the new season, but now it’s time for some new photos of the series’ main cast. Stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are prominently featured (obviously), but we also get new looks at Amanda Abbington, Mark Gatiss, Una Stubbs and guest star Toby Jones. Oh, and Baby Watson makes his or her first official appearance! (Sort of.)
We currently know very little about the actual plot of Season 4, as such. And don’t get excited – these photos don’t give anything new away.

Probably the biggest news of Season 4 is that John and Mary Watson are going to be parents. And from the looks of this new image, Baby Watson is going to be out solving crimes with the rest of them. (It also looks like Sherlock has maybe never seen a baby before, but that’s probably not actually that surprising.)
Since that looks like a pink outfit, I’m going to guess John and Mary have a daughter. (Don’t yell at me, internet, I have no idea if that’s right.)

Here’s our first look at the Holmes brothers, and both Sherlock and Mycroft look rather grumpy. So, status quo appears to be maintained in that relationship, despite the fact that Sherlock was very recently saved from what basically amounted to banishment.
We know that the first two episodes of Season 4 are called The Six Thatchers and The Lying Detective. It seems obvious that these are modern-day updates of original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories The Six Napoleons and The Lying Detective. The latter story is also the one which features the villain Culverton Smith, the character that everyone has pretty much been assuming that Toby Jones was playing for months now. (Thanks to some eagle-eyed set reports.)

Turns out that they were right. That is, indeed, a shot of Jones playing Smith. He certainly has the evil glare thing down.
Interestingly enough, there aren’t any new photos of Andrew Scott this season as yet, despite the fact that one of the major cliffhangers from both Season 3 and special The Abominable Bride was whether or not his Moriarty was, in fact, alive. The wait continues.

This shot of Stubbs as Mrs. Hudson intrigues me because of the setting in which it seems to take place. It certainly looks as though it’s at some sort of service, so I’m going to assume that blurry thing in the front is a baptismal font.
Is this Baby Watson’s christening?

It’s unclear whether we’re supposed to be freaking out over whether the sign behind Mycroft is some kind of clue to an episode plot, or just admiring the elder Holmes’ brother’s snazzy tie and pocket square combo. Maybe both?
I’m just hoping we see more of Mycroft than last season.

This behind-the-scenes photo features the bloodhound featured in the very first image released from Season 4 way back in July. It also seems to totally prove my theory that Baby Watson is going crimefighting with the family.
Martin Freeman looks adorable with that baby carrier, though.
Sherlock Season 4 will begin on January 1, 2017, in both the US and UK.
Thoughts on the new photos? Let’s discuss!