'Killing Eve' Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: "Meetings Have Biscuits"

This week's Killing Eve episode opens in Andalusia, where Villanelle is tuning a piano. No, she doesn't play, she's there on assignment, and the owner seems like the kind of unpleasant lady who deserves Villanelle's real skills with a tuning instrument. That being said, death by tuning tools is a hell of a way to die. Unfortunately, it's not until after the kill that Villanelle discovers she's not alone. The baby monitor goes off, revealing an infant upstairs and Nanny singing the crying child to sleep. Villanelle slips upstairs and the Nanny knows what's up instantly. She begs for the child's life. Villanelle does the merciful thing and kills the Nanny first.
Mo: I haven't looked up in ten minutes.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Carolyn is conducting business from a nice warm tub of bubbles. Mo is seated on the toilet next to her, going over the coroner's report from Kenny's death. Eve barges on in and admits this is pretty wow, even for Carolyn. The good news is Carolyn did get ahold of the thumb drive, the bad news is that Jamie tries to walk in, right behind Eve as the "Bitter Pill representative" for this tet-a-tet. Forced out of the bath and around the kitchen table, Eve attempts to lead the meeting of four minds that do not want to work together. It goes about as well as can be expected.
Villanelle did not kill the baby. She brought it home, like a pet, much to Dasha's annoyance. Dasha notes her charge has been unfocused and manic for days now, even as Villanelle claims to be fine. Finally, Dasha snaps and puts the child in a public bin after it throws a bit of food at her. But it's only going to get worse: The next assignment postcard reads "London." Villanelle tries to refuse, but Dasha won't hear of it. Meanwhile, in the UK capital, Konstantin is visiting Charles Kruger (Dominic Mafham). Charles has called the handler in because someone's been siphoning money from a Geneva account in the last few weeks, to the tune of six million, and he needs help finding who.
Back at Bitter Pill, Bear has dived into the thumb drive, which is all bank data about, you guessed it, an account in Geneva. It was associated with Fat Panda, the Chinese operative who was tracking Eve's former boss Frank Hilton, the double agent. Both were killed in Season 1.) The account's been dormant since Frank's death until a couple of months ago, with large euro transfers. But to investigate that, they must call in Mo. Not that Mo is thrilled by any of this. He's also shocked at having read Eve's file. Why doesn't she have protection? Eve's laugh is bitter. She knows what happens to those under MI-6 "protection."

Carolyn is going on a date. Geraldine is so happy her mother is doing something for herself, she won't let up and even has the nerve to say Kenny would be thrilled. Carolyn goes to the restaurant, has a drink, and seems to be about to leave without meeting anyone. On the way out, Carolyn walks by a table and recognizes the man seated at the end, Henry. She burbles over it being such a coincidence, which tells you everything you need to know about how carefully she's planned this. Upon discovering Carolyn' has been "stood up," Henry is like a shot, asking if she'd like to get something to eat. As they have a nice Chinese dinner, Carolyn starts asking after his work in a Genevan bank. And that's why Carolyn goes on dates.
The account in question is technically owned by a sugarbeet farmer who's inconveniently been dead for the last nine years, so he can't be questioned. Not to worry though, Russian agent Sergei, posing as "Charles Kruger," has been taking care of it ever since. Luckily, he's another one of Carolyn's cold war one-night stands. (This episode is full of them!) so she'll be taking point. Over in Mayfair, Villanelle has arrived, heading directly to a perfume shop to buy something that makes her smell "like a Roman Centurian who goes on to become Emperor." Her next stop is The Talking Toy Factory, where she discovers a pink bear with a recordable voice box for messages, and she starts experimenting with what she wants to say to Eve.
Speaking of Eve, she's gone to see Niko, only to discover he discharged himself last week and headed to Poland. Distraught, Eve gets on a double-decker, only to look up and see Villanelle. Eve gives her the same full greeting Villanelle gave Dasha, on a moving vehicle. (Unsurprisingly, Villanelle wins and jumps off the bus before Eve can recover.) Beaten and bruised, Eve limps into the Bitter Pill. Though she at first won't talk about it, soon enough she's explaining it all to Jamie, trying to deduce who Villanelle's target is, since she wasn't here for Eve.

Carolyn and Mo, meanwhile, are eating sweets on their stakeout, until Charles comes out of the building. Carolyn jumps out of the car, scaring him. He starts to run, but his ill-health makes it more of a slow limp. As Mo steers the car towards their slow quarry, a police officer watches. Just before she drops the face shield to follow them, one can see she's got a matching facial bruise to the one she gave Eve. Realizing who her target must be, Eve frantically tries to phone Carolyn. But it's too late, Villanelle's already pulled the car over and is walking up as Carolyn looks at the text from Eve that she's Villanelle's next target. Before she can say anything, Villanelle walks up to Carolyn's side of the car with a gun and shoots through the window.
But Eve was wrong. It's not Carolyn she's after, but Charles. The bullet broke the window, and the glass bloodied Carolyn, but she's fine. Charles is dead, taken out before he can answer any questions. Carolyn comes home, shaken at her near-death experience, and Geraldine hugs her in an attempt to be sympathetic.
Meanwhile, Konstantin heads to bed, only to discover Villanelle hiding in it, talking about the baby she stole. What did she look like as a baby? Villanelle has a new obsession: Konstantin must find her parents. He tries not to react until she calls him more boring than the accountant she just shot.
Eve comes home and finds Villanelle's pink teddy bear present in her bed. "Admit it, Eve. You wish I was here."