This Fan-Made ‘Sherlock’ Series 4 Promo is Pretty Amazing

Luckily, this fan-made Series 4 trailer is here to kick your brain into gear about what you’d like to see when the show returns.
This – let’s repeat, completely fan-made – clip imagines a much darker and more moody Series 4, in a way that actually makes the possible return of Moriarty seem menacing rather than dumb, and that neatly seems to tie the Napoleon of crime to the secrets of Mary’s mysteriously murderous past.
Made predominantly from Sherlock footage, eagle-eyed viewers will also spot a few shots from other works that feature the show’s cast – particularly Andrew Scott, Amanda Abbington and Lara Pulver – but they’re cut together in such a way that they still work.
Still though – if it weren’t for that random shot from Skyfall up in there (I will always remember Ben Whishaw accurately, sorry vidmakers), I could almost believe this is legit. Plus, the cover of Tears for Fears’ Everybody Wants to Rule the World they used is A+ amazing.
It’s so ominous that you can almost believe Moriarty is scary again. Let’s hope the real deal – whenever we get to see it – is similarly themed!
The clip was been put together by intrepid Youtuber Beautifullytragic6, who seems to be working on something of a Series 4 promo series, if you like her style. (Though, granted, the other clips do veer off into sort of a storyline of their own which less closely mirrors the show. But still, fun!)
Do you have any favorite Sherlock fan videos? Do share - It’s a long way to Series 4 and we need all the help we can get!