The ‘Doctor Who’ Theme Done Classical Music Style is Everything

So, therefore, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that this fan-made cello version of the theme exists. In fact, there are probably several similar takes out there in the depths of the internet that I just haven’t found yet. But this one, I feel safe saying, definitely has to be the coolest.
YouTuber duo The Doubleclicks, a pair of sisters who regularly post songs about such geeky pursuits as Dungeons and Dragons, Wonder Woman and burritos, have turned their talents to Doctor Who, and the result is pretty fun indeed.
Thing one: Listening to this clip makes me even more convinced that new Doctor Peter Capaldi deserves something more in this vein for his new theme song. For those that have been watching the latest season (and expect a post on that once we get a few more episodes in so we can judge), you know that the title credits have been changed up again, as befits the arrival of a new Doctor. However, the new mix of the classic Who theme song is a bizarre kind of steampunk, electronica that doesn’t necessarily mesh with my view of Twelve. I feel like this cello version is much darker and more composed. (I also think that Twelve would probably call screechy electronica music hipster trash, but your mileage may vary.)
Thing two: l really really wish we could have some sort of American equivalent to the BBC proms. Doctor Who music played by a full orchestra is awesome.