Amazing Internet Things: Doctor Who Credits Done Sherlock Style

Consequently, I am currently suffering massive withdrawal and, sadly, there is barely even any new news on either series to keep my spirits up. And, no, pictures of Who filming randomly around London don’t count. (Mostly because I am not there to stalk watch.) So, as always, I end up trolling around the internet looking for interesting tidbits about either property – and my best finds are generally when I stumble across something that takes the two things I love the most and smooshes them together, like this excellent credits sequence.
Some enterprising YouTube fan has managed to recreate the Doctor Who credits in the style of Sherlock opening titles and you might be surprised by how well it actually works like this. (Though I suppose after having just had two season finales in a row where people jump off buildings, well, I think these shows have a bit more in common than you’d think.) It’s worth a look!