David Tennant Talks Upcoming Drama The Spies of Warsaw

Tennant took the time to appear on G4’s Attack of the Show, where he was most adorable, used his real accent and talked a bit about both his latest project and his time on Doctor Who. Oh, and there’s also dancing. It’s definitely worth a watch.
Still no official airdate for Spies of Warsaw, but rumblings around the internet indicate an October airdate for the UK, with a likely American broadcast of November. To be honest, I can’t really blame BBC America for wanting to hold a Tennant drama for their sweeps period. The guy was just voted the most popular Doctor in a recent Entertainment Weekly poll, and has a veritable legion of female fans. It’s probably smart programming.
The best part of this whole clip is how disappointed Tennant clearly is that he didn't get to be part of the opening ceremony at the Olympics (his Doctor lit the Olympic Torch in an episode during Series 2). Trust me, Doctor, we're all disappointed right along with you.