In the penultimate episode of Ridley Road, both Vivien and Jack’s undercover work as members of the neo-Nazi group becomes more dangerous. Soley can’t convince his police contact to talk to Special Branch and an attack on the Ridley Road Synagogue
Desire, disguise, and deception up the tension on Ridley Road as Vivien Epstein discovers reserves of courage and ruthlessness when she goes undercover with the British neo-Nazis. But is their leader Colin Jordan's infatuation with her genuine?
New Masterpiece drama Ridley Road is a chilling and horrifying reminder that history too often repeats itself. Drawing on real events in England in the early 1960s, the four-part series addresses racism and the lure of neo-Nazism. But despite its
Like many of you, I’ve been watching the HBO quasi-dystopian dramaYears and Years with a combination of great affection and uncomfortable nerve-jangling anxiety. Referred to as “Black Mirror with a heart”, the finale of this six-part series just