The second episode of Sherlock Series 2 is airing in the UK this evening (lucky!), but we can still get a small Holmes fix in America to help tide us over until May.
“The Hounds of Baskerville” is written by Sherlock co-creator Mark Gatiss and
For those of us in America who are counting down the days till the Stateside premiere of the BBC’s wonderful Sherlock adaptation in May, the lovely folks over at fan site Sherlockologyare nothing short of an amazing resource during our time of
Those lucky folks in the UK are just days away from the return of Sherlock (days, the jealousy!), but at least we Americans can partially console ourselves with all the new interviews, photos, clips and other promotional items that seem to be all
All those lucky viewers in the UK have just under a week to go until new episodes of Sherlock to appear their screens. Here in the US, we’re waiting until May for Sherlock’s return, but that doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy all the great
Tomorrow is fabulous, not only because it’s Christmas for those that celebrate, but because it officially marks two weeks until the premiere of Downton Abbey Series 2 in the U.S. Hurrah! (I’m almost as excited for the Dowager Countess’ return as I
Although we viewers here in the US will have to wait for May for new episodes of Sherlock to air on Masterpiece Mystery, the BBC has kindly given us a little something to help tide us over with the release of the first trailer for the new episodes