'Miss Scarlet' Will Return for a Sixth Season Miss Scarlet will officially return for a sixth season with plenty of familiar faces (and one long-lost friend) in tow. By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 2/19/2025
'Miss Scarlet's Season 5 Finale Encapsulates the Good & Bad of This New Era Miss Scarlet Season 5 cocludes with a wedding, some blackmail, and something that feels an awful lot like a date. By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 2/16/2025
'Miss Scarlet' Season 5 Stakes Out a New Normal in "The Enchanted Mirror" Surprise, Miss Scarlet Season 5 is almost over. (Yes, really!) and we've barely had time to adjust to this revamped incarnation of the series or get to know the new leading man at its center. By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 2/9/2025
It Feels Like Old Times as 'Miss Scarlet' Bids Farewell to a Friend in "The Deal" Patrick Nash finds a way out of prison in an episode of Miss Scarlet that feels an awful lot like the old days. By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 2/2/2025
'Miss Scarlet' Season 5 Finds More Stable Ground in "The Thames Reaper" Miss Scarlet does a riff on Jack the Ripper with the hunt for a serial killer in "The Thames Reaper". By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 1/26/2025
'Miss Scarlet' Needs More Help Than "The Guild" Can Offer The second episode of Miss Scarlet Season 5 sees Eliza investigating a murder in the city's private detective guild. By Lacy Baugher for PBS on 1/19/2025