So, apparently I should write more features about Sherlock because it seems to invite some kind of cosmic magic wherein I have to write another new piece within 24 hours because some new bit of information has surfaced.
Just because we’ve got a ways to go before we see any new Sherlockon our screens doesn’t meant that there isn’t a pretty near constant stream of new things to talk about, as far as the show itself goes. This is what happens when you sign on for a St
I don’t have to tell you that Thanksgiving is not a holiday in the UK; however, as a British entertainment and culture blogger, a great deal of my attention is dedicated to how I might merge the traditions of my homeland and the island country with
We’ve got just over a month to go until Downton Abbey Series 5 premieres in America, and promotion surrounding the new season is starting to kick into high gear.
Good news! For those that have been patiently waiting ever since the news broke that there would, in fact, be a second season of the critically acclaimed series Broadchurch, there finally is in fact some news to share! Bad news: It’s not entirely
Previously, on The Paradise: Moray and Denise are still having relationship drama ostensibly becaue Moray kissed Katherine, but there’s also the fact that he looks like a homeless person and can’t deal with Denise’s dreams of professional success