For four seasons, The Umbrella Academy has followed the adventures of the adopted Hargreeves children as they use their superpowers to attempt to stop the apocalypse. However, for several, their real superpower is that they are Undercover Brits.
Olivia Cooke, currently playing Queen Alicent Hightower in the Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon, has to be one of the hardest-working and versatile actors of her generation.
With his trademark deep voice, not-quite handsome face, and flopping dark hair, Matt Smith is always recognizable. Yet he's extraordinarily versatile, appearing in everything from art-house to horror.
Michael Kitchen's gorgeous voice and compelling appearance made him an audience favorite in Foyle's War, but he has a history of diverse and entertaining roles.
The great Bernard Hill passed away on May 5, 2024, after a 50-year career spanning stage and screen. We run down his best work, from his early roles as a Labour icon in The Black Stuff to his final performance in The Responder.