WATCH: The First Teaser for 'Sherlock' Series 3!

This particular clip was broadcast to close out BBC One’s summer replay of Sherlock Series 2. All week long fans have been encouraged to stick around to the very end of The Reichenbach Fall for a special treat and, as a reward, a brand new teaser trailer for the upcoming season was aired.
Granted, this clip is literally (maybe) twenty seconds long, so don’t get your hopes up for huge revelations within. Still and all, however, this is the first real and official look at the highly anticipated new season of Sherlock – and for those of us who’ve been counting down the days until the series’ return, pretty much since the Reichenbach credits ended – this is like water in the desert.
Watch it for yourselves:
[This video is no longer available.]
Still enough to get you excited, huh? (Though we’ll just not be talking about John’s moustache, thank you very much.)
There’s still no official word about airdates for Sherlock on either side of the pond, though it’s generally assumed that Series 3 will screen sometime in the latter half of 2013 for the UK, and early 2014 for those of us here in America. We’ll keep you posted.
In the meantime, why not watch that clip again? Tell us what you think in the comments.