Watch All Five Installments of Doctor Who’s “Pond Life” Web Series

Per the official Doctor Who blog, Pond Life is the new mini-adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy, Rory and some surprise familiar faces. It picks up the story of the Ponds and follows their lives, culminating in a cliff-hanger that leads us into Asylum of the Daleks. The clips are all pretty brief – each clocks in somewhere around a minute in length, but despite that, they’re still really awesome. I’m not usually a fan of webisodes or web series like this, but I have to give the Who team credit, these actually really work.
Click through to take a look at Pond Life in its entirety for yourself and let’s talk about it!
Pond Life: Part One
Matt Smith is so fantastic at comedy. It’s probably my favorite thing about his Doctor.
Pond Life: Part Two
While I sometimes think Steven Moffat goes to the “Oops, it’s timey wimey!” well a bit too often, when the trope is used for foreshadowing like this you really can’t beat it.
Pond Life: Part Three
Well, that was awkward.
Pond Life: Part Four
“Enjoy your workday experience.” This one is so my favorite.
Pond Life: Part Five
Oh, dear – a bit of an unexpected twist at the end there. I can certainly say that I am intrigued to see if/how this little mini-adventure is incorporated into Asylum of the Daleks on Saturday.
This little web series has convinced me of a couple of things. One, I was apparently starved for new Who and largely unaware of it, because now I am positively jittery with excitement about Series 7 starting tomorrow. Two is that I think I'm going to miss Gillan and Darvill more than I originally anticipated – I often forget how much I do enjoy Amy and Rory together when Amy isn’t actively being horrible to him. (Rory, of course, remains amazing in any and all realities and timelines.) Especially given what happens here in Pond Life, I am a bit anxious about what's in store for them as their time as companions will come to a close. I just hope it’s not too sad.
What do you think folks? Did Pond Life work for you? And what do you think will happen to Amy and Rory in the new series?