'Ted Lasso' Season 3 is Being Written as the Series' Last

Prepare your emotions, Ted Lasso fans. It's looking more and more likely that the series will indeed end after its third season, which is currently in production. And to be fair, the team behind the megapopular football comedy has always been pretty upfront about the fact that the show was initially planned as a three-season affair. But the subsequent runaway success of the show would make anyone question whether the folks involved were really prepared to walk away from it at what is essentially the height of its popularity.
Apparently, the answer to that question is yes. According to Brett Goldstein, a writer on the show who also plays irascible curmudgeon Roy Kent, everyone came into the writers' room prepared to wrap things up.
"We are writing it like that," Goldstein told the Sunday Times when asked if Season 3 would be the show's end. "It was planned as three. Spoiler alert — everyone dies."
Ted Lasso follows the adventures of a kind-hearted American coach who takes over a failing English football team and turns it into a success through the power of positivity and friendship. It is precisely the sort of warm-hearted comedy many viewers needed during the darkest days of the coronavirus pandemic. (Though we still need to talk about whatever that mess was with Nate in Season 2.) The series has won all manner of accolades from critics and fans worldwide, picking up multiple Emmys and Golden Globe awards along the way.

Granted, nothing about the series' future is set in stone just yet. Until there's an official announcement of its conclusion, it's probably more than acceptable to make like the Richmond Greyhounds and believe in the face of impossible odds.
Apple certainly has enough money to make the prospect of a Season 4 appealing to a great many members of the cast and crew should they decide they're not quite ready to let their golden goose slip the net just yet. There's every reason to believe Ted Lasso could find another story to tell after this particular three-season arc is finished. (Lord knows, dozens of other shows have done it plenty of times in the past.)
Even if this is the end of the road for Team Lasso, the series could still return in the future for Christmas specials, anniversaries, or similar one-offs, allowing us to check in with the characters every once in a while.
But this is a television landscape where far too many series overstay their welcomes, running well into the double digits' worth of seasons before someone realizes they ran out of the story to tell a long time ago. There's something honestly refreshing about a show that embraces the idea of a defined and definitive endpoint. (Even if the thought of no more Roy Kent on my television is personally devastating to me.)
Ted Lasso Season 3 is currently filming but does not yet have a release date yet. Ted Lasso Seasons 1 and 2 are now streaming on Apple TV.