on September 4th, 2012
See the Full Q&A with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan From the Doctor Who NYC Screening!

Honestly, I was hoping for more discussion from Who folks about the giant twist that features in the Asylum episode, because I just need to talk this to death personally, apparently, and it only gets one question here. Nevertheless, it’s still a fun little segment and Smith, Gillan and host Chris Hardwicke from The Nerdist are as charming and adorable as ever.
Click through and give it a look for yourself. WARNING: Don’t watch this if you haven’t seen the Series 7 premiere yet. It will spoil you for something that, I promise, you are better off finding out for yourself.
From the shallow end: How gorgeous is Karen Gillan’s dress?
[This video is no longer available.]
on September 4th, 2012