An Obviously Important Retrospective: The Best Tom Hiddleston Videos of 2013

Yes, even I am not immune to the charming anecdotes, adorable impressions and winsome willingness to do the stupidest things in the name of promoting a project or making fans happy. I give up, Hiddlestoners. Welcome me to your number.
Anyway, once this new affliction manifested itself, I did what any normal person with obsessive tendencies might be expected to do in this situation. I took to YouTube in order to watch as many Hiddleston-related video clips as possible.
Here are some of my favorites, from what has been an astonishingly busy year for the actor. Take a look, then come link me to things that I’ve missed in the comments.
FYI - These are in absolutely no particular order:
Slumber Party Time! MTV’s Josh Horowitz is fast becoming one of my favorite celebrity journalists and hilarious bits like this – in which he and Hiddleston have a slumber party and discuss Loki – are why:
[This video is no longer available.]
Car Karaoke. Hiddleston sings Stand By Me in a car on a kind of strange German chat show and also juggles, and apparently there really is basically nothing he can’t do. Or, at least won’t try to do.
Lessons with Cookie Monster. During his promotional tour for The Hollow Crown’s American debut, Hiddleston made a very special new friend (who also happens to be blue and furry). This is guaranteed to make you smile:
[This video is no longer available.]
Loki Crashes Comic Con. During the Marvel Cinematic Universe panel at this year’s Comic Con International convention in San Diego, Hiddleston made a surprise appearance as Thor’s infamous Loki, in full costume and full-on character, that basically blew the roof off of Hall H.
This is, of course, the one day of the Con that I didn’t do Hall H, but judging by the reactions from everyone I know who went, it was the highlight of, well, everything.
Watch and be amazed:
Singing The Jungle Book. Hiddleston sang The Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book at Disney’s D23 Expo this year and just. Swoon. Okay, seriously, I get it now.
All the Impressions. Hiddleston – much like another equally adored British actor with cheekbones of doom – is apparently quite an excellent mimic. The best one I saw this year was probably his take on actor Owen Wilson, or rather Owen Wilson impersonating Loki.
He also does a pretty spot-on rendition of his Avengers co-star Chris Evans.
Loki and Small Children Equals Instant Hilarity. This Comedy Central spoof of those irritating AT&T ads was both outstanding and way too short. Spin-off series anyone? Kindegarten Cop remake starring Loki? Anything to make this fantasticness last longer:
All the Impressions, Part Deux. An enterprising YouTube fan has made my life easier by compiling many of Hiddleston’s best impressions from various public appearances and promotional events into one epic four and a half minute clip. The list includes Hiddleston’s versions of Cookie Monster, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Evans, a velociprator and lots more:
We’re Up All Night To Get Loki. Yes, a random rendition of Loki + Daft Punk happened.
The Best Nerd HQ Panel. I didn’t get the chance to see Hiddleston’s panel for Chuck star Zachary Levi’s NerdHQ, a series of intimate conversations with various stars attending Comic Con International to benefit Operation Smile, because tickets sold out in something like a minute flat. But, you can watch the whole thing online, and if you weren’t crushing on Hiddleston before, well. You will be afterward. Charming, thoughtful, funny – just an all around great Q&A with fans.
As I’m such a newcomer to the world of the Hiddlestoners, there are surely many vital clips that I have left off this list. Know what one is? Leave it in a comment below.