Missing Matthew Crawley? Keep an Eye Out for Dan Stevens’ New Movie

Sound familiar, Matthew fans?
The film is based on the Jonathan Smith novel of the same name and tells the story of the dramatic real-life love triangle between painter Alfred Munnings (Dominc Cooper), his best friend Gilbert Evans (Stevens) and fellow artist Florence Carter-Wood (Emily Browning). As you can see from the trailer below, Summer in February appears to feature a lot of angst and drama and crossed romantic signals and everything that we’re all missing in a world without Downton at the moment.
Take a look for yourself below.
This movie basically looks like someone picked up Matthew Crawley in spaceship tractor beam and transplanted him to this other story with these other people doing a bunch of other random things. I’m okay with that. Everyone is pretty and posh, and there’s plenty of gorgeous scenery, beautiful costumes and longing glances.
Summer in February hits UK theaters in June. A US release hasn’t been announced yet – and keep in mind, the film may not get one at all. For example: Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch made both Third Star and Wreckers in the past couple years and neither of them ever made it over here until they hit video-on-demand or Netflix. But, given Stevens’ popularity in the States thanks to the Downton effect – and the fact that he has multiple other projects in the works – it seems the odds ought to be at least halfway decent that we’ll see this period piece on this side of the pond at some point. We'll hope so anyway. Fingers crossed.