J.K. Rowling Novel The Casual Vacancy to Get BBC Adaptation

Little is known at this juncture about what a Casual Vacancy series will look like – things like number and length of episodes are apparently going to be sorted out along the way as the development process gets going. Rowling is said to be “consulting closely” with the BBC on the upcoming adaptation, so odds that it will remain fairly faithful to the novel are high.
"I’m thrilled that the BBC has commissioned 'The Casual Vacancy,'" Rowling said in a statement. "I always felt that, if it were to be adapted, this novel was best suited to television and I think the BBC is the perfect home."
The Casual Vacancy is a social satire centered on a local election following a sudden death in the small English town of Pagford The novel received mixed reviews upon its release last Fall, but was an instant global best seller nevertheless. Personally, I’ve not read it yet, but it’s on my list of things to get to at some point. (Got reviews? Tell me!)
There are no plans as yet to currently air The Casual Vacancy in the United States as yet, but thanks to the sheer size of author’s fanbase, it would seem a fairly safe bet that we’ll see this series here at some point in the future.