It’s Official: Doctor Who's New Twelfth Doctor Is…

And it’s kind of a doozy, y’all.
The Twelfth Doctor will be played by well-known British character actor Peter Capaldi. You may have seen him as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It, in his turn on as the new Head of News during The Hour’s second series, or as the villainous John Frobisher in Torchwood’s Children of Earth miniseries. He’s a fantastic actor – and an exceptionally exciting choice to play Twelve. (Though I’ll be honest, I was kind of secretly hoping for a Time Lady – or Ben Whishaw. But I am overall happy with this pick.)
It’s also so lovely to see the show choose to go with a slightly older actor this time around – nothing against outgoing Time Lord Matt Smith, of course, but it should be interesting to watch a version of the Doctor who possesses a bit more gravitas after the past few incarnations. Capaldi is 55, the same age as First Doctor William Hartnell when he originally stepped into the TARDIS. How’s that for some nice symmetry in the 50th anniversary year?
What are your thoughts on the choice of Capaldi to play the new Doctor? Pleased? Surprised? Annoyed? We’d love to know.
(And keep an eye out – this guy’s definitely just jumped the queue in our British Actors You Should Know series…)