Billie Piper Dramedy 'I Hate Suzie' Renewed for Season 2

(Photo: HBO Max)

It's official: After much speculation, Sky has officially renewed Billie Piper's chaotic dramedy I Hate Suzie for a second season.

The eight-part series starred Piper as the eponymous Suzie Pickles, a C-list celebrity whose nude photos are leaked in a worldwide hack, revealing the secret of her extramarital affair.

As she processes the impact of this in both her personal and professional lives, each episode of the series follows her through the stages of shock, denial, fear, shame, bargaining, guilt, anger, and acceptance as Suzie and her best friend and manager Naomi try to hold her life, career, and marriage together.

Though the drama's first outing was framed in such a way that felt like it could serve as a complete story if it needed to, it left enough room for the show to continue should Piper and co-creator Lucy Prebble decide to do so. And it appears they have, confirming the reports from a few weeks ago that the two women were discussing Season 2 ideas

We are so excited to continue the journey of Suzie Pickles. Filming starts in 2022. More news to come (our lips are sealed until then) @billiepiper @lucyprebblish @knighthallagent

— Sky TV (@skytv) February 19, 2021

There are certainly still stories to be told in a second season - the fallout from the pregnancy test Suzie takes at the end of the finale, "Acceptance," how she might manage her career and her life while her best friend Naomi is on an extended trip to Iran, and what will become of her career in the wake of, well, everything that happened in Season 1. 

I Hate Suzie Season 2 is slated to film at an as yet to be determined point in 2022. The series' first season came to America via streaming platform HBO Max, and there's every reason to expect its second will as well once it's available. 

Are you looking forward to another season of this chaotic comedy-drama? Let us know in the comments. 

Lacy Baugher

Lacy's love of British TV is embarrassingly extensive, but primarily centers around evangelizing all things Doctor Who, and watching as many period dramas as possible.

Digital media type by day, she also has a fairly useless degree in British medieval literature, and dearly loves to talk about dream poetry, liminality, and the medieval religious vision. (Sadly, that opportunity presents itself very infrequently.) York apologist, Ninth Doctor enthusiast, and unabashed Ravenclaw. Say hi on Threads or Blue Sky at @LacyMB. 

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