The BBC is Making a Zombie Show. Really.

While I’m still annoyed at BBC Three for cancelling the excellent drama The Fades after just one season, this actually looks interesting enough that I’m going to have to get over that.
It’s called In the Flesh and it’s a three-part miniseries that seems to be more Warm Bodies than Walking Dead. (Though really it visually looks a lot like 28 Days Later. I watch too much zombie stuff, I think.) What makes this series interesting is its unexpected premise – instead of a horror-based zombie outbreak overrunning the world kind of thing, it’s more exceptionally creepy character piece. Because the zombies are the main characters.
In the Flesh looks to treat being undead more like a mental illness – calling the condition Partially Deceased Syndrome - and seems to deal more with themes of prejudice than humanity’s fight for survival. The drama tells the story of Kieren Walker, an eighteen year-old boy, who also happens to be a zombie (or PDS sufferer, technically) and who must now try to reintegrate into the world he left behind. Thanks to the magic of medicine – and a bit of external aesthetic assistance – those suffering from PDS can now be returned to society and Kieran must go back home to his small Northern village and face the things he did (and people he hurt) as a zombie. Local Vigilante Group, the Human Volunteer Force, is unhappy about this turn of events and tension ensues.
The trailer is really creepy but it actually looks quite good. Have to admit I’m intrigued.
In the Flesh premieres on BBC Three next weekend. This seems an unlikely bit of British telly to make its way Stateside, but you never know. The Fades did, after all!