Despite Channel 4 and Netflix attempting to act like The Great British Baking Show's premiere is a state secret, the show will premiere when it always does, on the last week of September 2024.
Follow Noel Fielding and Alison Hammond to a world of sweet relief, where butter grows in little pats on flowers and the smell of bread baking floats on the breeze. It's The Great British Baking Show Season 15's first trailer.
The ladies dive into the latest season of The Great British Baking Show, from their favorite contestants to the unsubtle specter of Paul Hollywood's influence.
After a season of meddling to get the winner he wanted, Paul Hollywood and The Great British Baking Show Season 14 ended up with the winner they deserved.
Americans waking up from their post-Thanksgiving haze forThe Great British Baking Show's traditional semi-finals will discover this year's Patisserie is not so sweet.