'The Woman in the Wall's Third Episode Brings Colman "Knock Knock"-ing on Lorna's Door

Ruth Wilson as Lorna, Mark Huberman as Michael, Simon Delaney as Massey, and Daryl McCormack as Colman in The Woman in the Wall
BBC/Paramount+ with SHOWTIME
Before we get into this week's The Woman in the Wall, let's talk about the elephant in the room, especially in light of the opening flashback where Lorna remembers telling Clemence she wished for a boy and Colman's dream sequence where Father Percy is the monster. Between last week's reveal that Colman was the son of a Magdelene Laundry captive and Lorna being presented with babies to choose from that included a light-skinned Black boy, it's evident the show is pointing us in the direction of her lost child being the detective on her tail.
Colman: This is a waste of time, consulting with psychics and horse assaulters...
The detective who would be on her tail, anyway, if Massey would get out of the way. However, Massey's not about to let Lorna get questioned, not on the day of Clemence's funeral, especially with David openly blaming her. Perhaps if Lorna stayed at the funeral, she'd have been safe, but she doesn't. Instead, the Missing Persons photos of Aoife sends her to drinking and a line of cocaine, causing the woman's face to haunt her everywhere. Colman catches her as she's high as a kite, and tries to make an appointment with Lorna for the next day, only to have Michael and then Massey get between them.
Amy is also snorting and drinking and gets up to call out the bullcrap being spewed about Clemence now she's dead, the refusal to admit there's a child she's survived by out there in the world, pretending she didn't commit suicide. Lorna tells her to go do herself in if she feels so strongly about it, and Amy leaves in a rage, but not before telling Colman she saw Lorna burn the car and then gets in a fight with Thomas, who clearly is trying to take her home.
Seeing Lorna defend Clemence gives David a change of heart, and he asks Lorna to walk him home since he's too drunk to be trusted to make it alone. He apologizes for blaming her for Clemence's choice and shows her what Aoife brought them: A photo of Clemence's daughter, Rita, from her confirmation. It's an old photo; Rita is an adult now. David doesn't seem to know what happened to her, only that she did survive and grow up, and perhaps Lorna's kid did too.
Buoyed by the hope of a new lead, Lorna decides to keep the appointment Colman was trying to make the night before and shows up at the station at 10 am the following day. But the sight of Colman gives her pause, and she runs to the bathroom and puts hot sauce in her eyes so they start bleeding as she's questioned. Massey freaks and calls an end to the session, accusing Colman of letting his past cloud his judgment. Colman responds Massey is patronizing them, treating the victims like they're too fragile to function. Massey reminds him he was a young cop when those girls were being kept there; he saw, he knew, and he carries the guilt to this day.
Having fled the stations, Lorna runs into Michael again after hallucinating seeing Aoife out and about. She shows him the Rita photo, wondering if one of the two girls she was confirmed with might be hers. She admits she no longer knows what's real from the lack of sleep, and Michael tells her she should rest. Michael agrees to watch her so she'll stay down and not wander off.
Meanwhile, Massey has Colman chasing Aoife sightings, which are bunk. Frustrated, Colamn goes back to Dara's confession and decides to show him Lorna's photo from the CCTV. In exchange, he gets Dara to admit Aoife worked for the House of the Sacred Shephard and that she was terrified of those in it coming after her. Colman eventually finds them — the adoption agency that farmed out the babies stolen from the girls. But Skelly says they shut down in 1979, which doesn't make sense since Aoife was a nun in the mid-1980s, the same as when Lorna and Clemence gave birth.
As for Lorna's nap, Michael unfortunately falls asleep on the job and wakes to find her with scissors cutting up Rita's photo, and gets stabbed for his trouble before waking her up. Realizing this is way beyond his pay grade, he leaves to go get stitched up, and Lorna is left to tape the photo back together. As she does, she thinks she sees Aoife at the door, but it's her daughter Olivia (Alexandra Moloney), trying to find her mother. Lorna takes her to the pub to find out what she knows, which isn't much, sadly.
However, the Aoife sighting does turn up a real lead. Seamus (the horse assaulter) saw Aoife get into a taxi, and Kilkurne only has one, and the driver is a drunk at the pub. He cheerfully says he took her to Lorna's since Lorna wanted to go home. And since Lorna just left the pub with Olivia, Colman is already halfway to chasing her down.
But Lorna didn't go home; she and Olivia went to the Wailin' Woman's House on what seems to be a wild goose chase to find Aoife. However, it's really to look for the stash of birth certificates that Aoife had hidden away and was doling out to the mothers, which indeed are under the floorboards. When Oliva comes looking for her, she pretends to have found nothing and agrees to let the girl stay with her, but the moment Olivia's back is turned, she snatches them up and runs, leaving Olivia behind and stealing her car in the process. In the packet, she finds the birth certificate of her child, Agnes Brady (Not Colman!), and also the death certificate.
Speaking of Colman, with Lorna AWOL, he's broken into her house and is searching the place, finding evidence of her search for her child over the years. Unfortunately, he's still there when she gets home. And yet, she's not shocked when she walks in and finds him, more resigned. She asks if he wants tea, brings him milk and sugar, and asks if he found what he was looking for in her house. He says he was looking for her and starts asking her where Aoife is, accusing Lorna of helping her.
Lorna says she's not helping Aoife, and when Colman accuses her of lying about both that and Aoife stealing her baby, she shows him she's not with Agnes' birth/death certificate. However, as Colman starts demanding to know where she got it, all Lorna can hear is the knocking on the wall where the body is, louder and louder until she starts screaming that she killed Aoife Cassidy and takes an axe to the wall to show Colman... Only to find there's nothing inside.