'Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale' Sneak Peek: "Upholding the Law" May Cost Everything

Stephanie Levi-John as Maggie Knight in 'Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale' Season 1
Szymon Lazewski/AMC
AMC+'s shows about contemporary magic have been headlined by adaptations of the American Anne Rice novels Interview with a Vampire and Mayfair Witches. But the European old world is where many of those tales originate from, so it's not surprising that the latest offering, streaming jointly on Sundance Now and AMC+, is a British tale of modern-day witchcraft. Based on the V.V. James novel Sanctuary, Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale considers how modern 21st-century society would handle licensed magic practicing professionals in our midst, especially when tragedy strikes, and this exclusive sneak peek of Season 1, Episode 3 stops to consider what happens when law enforcement steps in.
Warning: Spoilers for Sanctuary A Witch's Tale Episodes 1 + 2 Follow.
The first two episodes of Sanctuary introduce the titular fictional town and establish a few ground rules about this world. Witches are registered and licensed, and each village usually has one, much like one might have a local doctor or vicar. In Sanctuary's case, the village witch is Sarah Fenn (Elaine Cassidy), who is introduced as having a little coven of followers, including her BFF Abigail (Amy De Bhrún). But when Abigail's teenage son, Daniel (Max Lohan), dies during an ill-advised secret teen party in a warehouse, her grief and rage start tearing things apart.
One of Daniel's buddies, Jake (Darragh Gilhooly), claims he witnessed Sarah's daughter, Harper (Hazel Doupe), attack Daniel with magic, which led to his demise. In response, the town's suspicions turn on the Fenn family. There's just one small problem with Jake's accusation: Harper is non-magical. Not that facts have ever gotten in the way of a good scapegoating before...
Check out this exclusive sneak peek from Episode 3, as law enforcement finds themselves having to deal with a growing witch hunt.
Here's the official synopsis for Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale Season 1, Episode 3:
As magic is confirmed at the crime scene, Harper makes a shocking revelation which sends Abigail into full revenge mode.
In our exclusive interview with the cast of Sanctuary, De Bhrún told Telly Visions that this show really drew her in because "women are the center of the story."
And not just one woman; it’s a big group of incredible, strong, layered, multifaceted women. You’re not playing just the ‘wife of’ or the ‘whoever of’; these are characters within their own right. The magical element woven through the script is exciting, seeing how that informs [events] when it’s only part of this particular world. [Magic is treated] like today’s alternative therapies and things like that; it’s kind of just woven into that world. And even though that’s woven in, the effects it still has, that there are still witches, there is still (the concept of) “different.” When the shit hits the fan, how the “different” — or what you perceive as different — can be turned on.
You can check out the rest of our roundtable interview with the cast here. Sanctuary: A Witch’s Tale stars Elaine Cassidy, Hazel Doupe, and Amy de Bhrun, along with Stephanie Levi-John, Valerie O’Connor, Kelly Campbell, and Stephen Lord. The series is executive produced by Monumental Television and is directed by Lisa Mulcahy and Justin Molotnikov.
The third episode of Sanctuary: A Witch’s Tale premieres Thursday, January 11, 2024, streaming exclusively on AMC+ and Sundance Now.