Watch the PBS Trailer for 'Call the Midwife' Season 7

Nurse Lucille Anderson (LEONIE ELLIOTT), Valerie Dyer (JENNIFER KIRBY), Trixie Franklin (HELEN GEORGE) & Nurse Barbara Hereward (CHARLOTTE RITCHIE)
Copyright Neal Street Producitons
The new season of Call the Midwife is almost here, so it makes sense that PBS has finally dropped a trailer promoting the popular period drama’s return.
Season 7 will kick off on PBS stations nationwide with a two hour-premiere on Sunday, March 25. It’ll then continue with its regular hour-long episode through May 6.
According to the official program description for the new season, there are many new challenges in store for our favorite nuns and midwives.
Season 7 of CALL THE MIDWIFE opens as the “Big Freeze” of 1963 continues and the midwives persevere through the intense winter. The nuns and nurses of Nonnatus House are being tested as they have never been before, both personally and professionally. All around them they see the old East End vanishing, as slum clearances make way for bold new tower blocks to accommodate expanding communities. They find themselves facing a wide range of medical challenges, from breech birth to cancer, Huntington’s chorea and cataracts.
Trixie and Christopher continue to develop their romance, while Tom and Barbara enjoy life as a married couple. Nurse Crane’s authority is questioned from an unexpected source, and Sister Monica Joan is forced to accept her failing faculties. Additionally, life for the Turners is turned upside down when Shelagh decides to employ an au pair.
Additionally, we already know that several fan favorite characters won’t be returning this season, making way for new faces like Leonie Elliott’s Nurse Lucille, whose addition is meant to help explore the experiences of Caribbean nurses who came over in the 1960s to support the growing NHS.
Watch the PBS trailer for the new season for yourselves:
Season 7 started airing in the U.K. back in January, so while we’re a little bit behind our British friends, we’re not too far back.
You can see even more footage from the new season with via the BBC One trailer below:
If you need to catch up on Call the Midwife or just want a bit of a refresher about where we left everyone last year, we have recaps of every Season 6 episode as well as the 2017 holiday special here on the blog.
Are you looking forward to Call the Midwife’s return? Tell us why – and share your hopes for the new season in the comments!