After a Season of Losses, Lana Saves the Day Again in 'Trigger Point's Finale

Vicky McClure as Lana Washington in 'Trigger Point' Season 2
Okay, let’s all do some deep breathing exercises. Maybe some yoga? A massage? You have my permission to eat all the chocolate you want. Because we need to do something to calm down after the extraordinarily stressful final two episodes of Trigger Point. Okay ... inhale ... exhale ... let’s get to it.
Alex is still trying to help Lana, but Commander Francis insists she bring him in for questioning the next time he contacts her. Lana doesn’t want to do that, as Alex can provide valuable insight into the terrorists’ next target. The police have been able to identify one of the terrorist group members. Unfortunately for him, the terrorists are watching the police scanners and know that he has been made.
“Hope,” the group’s ring leader, sends him on a trip to the hardware store. Helen, Lana, and the rest of the gang track him, and he leads them right back to the warehouse the terrorists have been using as their headquarters. But when he gets there, the warehouse is empty except for the teddy bears stuffed with explosive devices. Hope calls him and says, “I’m sorry,” before all the teddy bears explode. When Alex wonders where this team member is, Hope tells him, “He understands that the cause is more important than any of us.”
The terrorists send Alex on an errand, and he stops to talk to Lana on a park bench. They have been following Alex and now can confirm that he has been working with law enforcement. Meanwhile, back at headquarters, Commander Francis is furious that Lana met with Alex and, once again, did not alert the team or bring Alex in for questioning. That sends Lana over the edge. She quits and announces, ”I’m fucking done working for a brown-nosing twat like you.” (But how do you really feel Lana???)
Helen follows Lana as she storms out, allowing Lana to remind Helen that they are not “mates.” “Stop acting like I’m a nice person,” she tells Helen, and to prove her point, Lana reveals she and Tom were getting back together; he just hadn’t gotten around to telling Helen before he died. She then visits her parents (with no job, she now has the time to see them). Their conversation would take years of therapy to unpack. Lana resents that her parents never worried about her. “I left home at 16. You never stopped me. I went to a war zone.” Billy’s death looms large as the trio try to understand each other. “You must hate my guts. I couldn’t save your own son,” she says to her mother. “Do I look happy? I can’t save the people that I love.”
Back at the office, Amar and Helen have begun to focus on our friend, the billionaire Webster King, who has too many overlapping coincidences with the terrorists and their targets. Turns out he’s trying to leave the country to go on an early honeymoon with his new bride... to Kuwait. (Clearly a top honeymoon vacation spot!) However, Kuwait is a top vacation spot for those looking to visit a country with no extradition treaty with the UK, so if he makes it there, he will never be arrested for his crimes.
Francis and Helen race to the airport to stop Webster, who laughs when they try to arrest him. “You’re making a huge mistake. People like me don’t go to prison,” he tells them. Then his wife calls, and he answers the phone, and it explodes, killing him instantly*. The terrorists released a video that says, “Hoisted by his own petard. Kill the rich.” Webster may have thought he was in charge of the terrorists, but he clearly wasn’t.
(*Season 2 aired in the U.K. in January 2024, so obviously, this was not in any way meant to reference certain current events. It's just a coincidence of timing that this detail feels painfully on the nose.)
Alex reaches out to Lana, who is at home watching the news and compulsively cleaning her oven. They’ve given him a bomb to hand deliver to the London Stock Exchange. But Alex knows something is up. “They know I’m a mole and this bomb is for me,” he tells her. They arrange to meet in an abandoned warehouse where Lana diffuses the bomb, but it only sets off confetti. Lana quickly realizes the whole thing is a trap and the target is her.
Hope arrives, tazes Lana, and brings her to their headquarters, where she has Alex in a helmet that is rigged to a bomb. She tells Lana she can choose which switch is triggered to the device. They argue and Hope pulls the switch, instantly killing Alex. Hope tells Lana her master plan. “The people are angry. They just want a push in the right direction. Once we overthrow the government, it’s a clean slate.”
The terrorists have placed a bomb in Lana’s parents house. If Lana doesn’t do what the terrorists want, they will kill both her parents. Meanwhile Francis sees no problem bringing the Home Secretary to headquarters for a meeting even though Amar thinks it would be better if the meeting were remote. “I think she’ll be safe here,” Francis tells him dismissively. The plan is for Lana to get into HQ with a bomb and kill the Home Secretary. If she doesn’t do that, they will kill her parents. Her parents take this moment of captivity to finally talk to each other. “I don’t blame you for Billy. It’s not your fault,” Lana’s mom tells her dad. “It’s not your fault either,” he responds.
HQ beefed up its security; Lana will never get a bomb inside. But she assures Hope she can make an explosive from previous bombs once inside. Hope gives her an earpiece so she can talk to Lana but (very conveniently for the plot!), Hope will not hear what Lana is saying. Once inside, Lana asks Sonya to trust her and dispatches Danny and Hassan to her parents house telling them to wait there until they hear from her. She joins the meeting with the Home Secretary, telling Francis Sonya is unavailable; she is to stand in and offer her bob expertise.
Amar isn’t fooled and messages Helen, who checks the CCTV recordings, sees Lana acting suspiciously, and calls an armed response team to evacuate the building. However, Lana, who has been MacGyvering things left and right the entire episode, had one last trick up her sleeve. When Hope calls the phone that is supposed to set off the bomb in HQ, the call gets rerouted. It sets off a different bomb, one that’s in the van the terrorists are sitting in, killing them instantly.
Back at the house, Hassan and Danny safely get Lana’s parents out. Like the gymnast McKayla Maroney, Francis is still not impressed. He can’t get over the risks Lana took, how she disobeyed orders, etc. “She saved other people’s lives. You’d do well to remember that sir,” Helen tells him. Well, look at who suddenly got a backbone. The season ends with everyone, including Lana’s parents, at Danny’s wedding. There’s dancing, drinking, and celebration. “Are you okay?” Sonya asks her. “No, I’m not,” Lana replies in a moment of complete honesty amid the frivolity.
Trigger Point has yet to be picked up for a third season. Let’s hope the time off gives Lana the break she so desperately needs.